How can I contact King-Footwear?
If you are interested in Wenzhou King-Footwear Co., Ltd and wish to contact us, you may browse our official website on which we have listed multiple contact channels. Customers can reach us very easily through direct phone calls, e-mailing, and Skype, etc. For example, you can do a simple e-mail introduction to your wish, we will reply to you as soon as possible. We would be very glad to establish cooperative relationships with you.

King-Footwear achieves success in canvas slip on shoes industry mainly supported by its independent factory to produce high quality . The vulcanized shoes series is widely praised by customers. Unlike the fluorescent light which contains materials that present a waste disposal issue at the end of light’s life, this product are harmless to our environment. The flexible EVA provides cushioning for the product. This product is highly preferred among clients with great cost-effectiveness. The high-quality rubber provides every move to keep flexibility.

The customer satisfaction rate is what we strive to improve. We will conduct a continuous upgrade of products and services through innovative and newest technologies and develop differentiated products to them.
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