"Cheap" is not a key word in Wenzhou King-Footwear Co., Ltd. Linen buckle strap baby gym shoes is not aimed at being cheap, but excellent and affordable. We make sure that the source of raw materials is reliable. This costs a lot. Great investment is made in the development and optimization.

King-Footwear is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters in China designing and producing high quality tennis sneakers. King-Footwear's women's canvas slip on sneakers series are created based on unremitting efforts. The design of King-Footwear vulcanised shoes resorts to advanced technologies. It is created using CAD and CAM which lay a solid foundation for the optimized design. The high-quality fabrics provide a quick-drying performance for the product so as to make feet stay cool throughout the day. The product has a nonporous surface. This means that there aren't any holes or cracks where spills or liquids could soak in. The product is resilient and can restore its shape very quickly.
Bearing social responsibility, we make ourselves a long-time partner of several charitable foundations and green initiatives. We also promote individual participation and contributions from our team members.