You know Converse. Iconic athletic inspired shoes for men

by:King-Footwear     2020-05-14
Converse has not always been in the athletic shoe market. In the beginning, the company produced rubber boots and shoes for wet conditions. Marquis Converse started the company in 1908 in Malden Massachusetts. It was not until the new sport of American basketball began becoming popular that the now famous shoes were developed. Chuck Taylor, designer of the All Star line, joined the company in 1921 and marketed the line to the athletes. The canvas uppers provided protection for the players' ankles. The thick, heavy rubber soles helped absorb punishment from the hard wooden floors and improved traction and grip. Many of the sports best players wore and endorsed the footwear. Celebrities and personalities, always looking for something to set them apart, began wearing the brand to show a bit of style. Younger generations adapted them to display somewhat of a rebellious or coolness attitude. They have become one of the most popular shoes of all time. Casual and comfortable they are stylish enough for most settings. Black leather Converse display a unique look not found in other footwear. The classic designs and silhouettes are still apparent but leather replaces the original canvas. One line, the All Star light series, is designed especially for women. Prior to the light versions, women wore smaller sizes of the men's shoe. Women now have the option of a slimmer, lighter weight and more feminine looking version to choose. Black has always been a popular color for shoes and leather has always been a popular material for shoes. Combine the two and you get the best of both. A color that matches with almost anything in a wardrobe and a material that looks great and is durable. With a little care and maintenance, they will last for years and look as new as the day you got them. Another interesting point regarding black leather Converse is there are sizes for the entire family in some of the more popular models. Imagine mom, dad and the kids sporting the same style and color of footwear. That is a distinctive way to plan a family outing. If you prefer hi-top All Stars or slip-ons, there are leather models in black that you may want to consider. For the ladies, a mid ankle or multi strap boot will display a more adventurous mood. No matter your preference, any model of black leather Converse shoes or boots gives a different and distinctive look to an already popular and stylish brand of footwear.
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